Chuluota Road RCA Study From Colonial Drive (SR 50) to Lake Pickett Road
As part of the RCA Study, Orange County is conducting an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) involving the Chuluota Road intersections at Lake Pickett Road, Long Boat Lane, Corner Lake Drive, Cypress Lake Glen Boulevard, and at Corner School Drive and Schoolview Way. The evaluation will consider various control options such as stop signs, traffic signals and roundabouts to determine the best alternatives for enhancing operations and safety.
The NEW DATE for the Alternatives Recommendation Public Meeting is now scheduled for November 20, 2024.
View meeting materials.

About the Study
Orange County has initiated a Roadway Conceptual Analysis (RCA) project to study alternatives for widening about 1.9 miles of Chuluota Road from Colonial Drive (State Road 50) to Lake Pickett Road to improve safety and traffic flow along the corridor.
The purpose of this study is to develop options to achieve the project goals and evaluate the social and environmental impacts of each option. From the evaluation, Orange County will determine a preferred option to add travel lanes, as well as other features such as improved drainage and stormwater treatment, the addition of raised median, upgraded lighting and landscaping, intersection upgrades, and segment of the East Orange Trail and sidewalk.