Ways to Get Involved
There are several ways that individuals can stay informed about the study’s progress and to share comments and insights.
All public meeting and outreach materials will be posted to this site as they are developed.
In the meantime, please use the link on this page to submit a comment or questions.
You may also submit comments or questions by email to ChuluotaRCA@qcausa.com or contact either Orange County Project Manager Blanche Hardy or Project Consultant Greg Smith directly using the contact information below:
Blanche Hardy, P.G., ARM
Assistant Project Manager, Transit Coordinator
Orange County Transportation Planning Division
Planning, Environmental and Development Services Department
4200 South John Young Parkway
Orlando, FL32839
Phone: 407-836-0257
Email: blanche.hardy@ocfl.net
Greg Smith, P.E.
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
615 Crescent Executive Court, Suite 106
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Phone: 321-217-9467
Email: GSmith@jmt.com

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, income, disability, or family status. Persons who require language translation or interpretive services, which are provided at no cost, should contact Ricardo Daye, Orange County Title VI/Nondiscrimination coordinator, at 407-836- 5825 or ricardo.daye@ocfl.net at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Persons requiring special accommodations under the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) may request assistance from Nicola Norton, County ADA coordinator, at 407-836-6568 or nicola.norton@ocfl.net at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.